Thursday, May 30, 2024

Members of Community Cries Over Electricity Blackout

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The people of Akiriboto in Gbongan town in Ayedaade LGA of Osun state have cried out over a total electricity blackout in the community.

It’s reported that the blackout has been a result of vandalism and theft which happened three months back.

This has caused members of the society to abandon their business which is poultry farming and as such come out publicly seeking intervention as the matter raise high.

Members of Community Cries Over Electricity Blackout

Following the blackout, the residents revealed that there’s a high case of robbery, theft of motorcycles and other properties in the area.

As reported by Punch, via their correspondent, a poultry farmer Mukailu Muntari called on the government and the power authorities to intervene and restore power in the community which has been in blackout for 3 months.

He said, “The blackout has led to a spike in the rates of crime in the village. The people in the community are known for poultry farming. However, the blackout has made farmers to lose great numbers of their poultry. Unknown people keep using the blackout to steal poultry in the community. If we had electricity, these robberies would not be as rampant as this.

“The first time the light had a fault, the community contributed N50,000 for repair. However, immediately after they repaired it, around 2 am of the following day, we woke up to a loud sound around where the transformer was located. When checked, we were told that some cables had been stolen. That was the last time the community had a power supply.”

Moreover, the people also revealed that some businesses especially traders, have shut down their shops, due to the blackout, which forces consumers to go far to get cold drinks.

The spokesman of The Ibadan Distribution Company, Busola Tunwase has pleaded with the community members to be responsible for their electric matter, and report any case of vandalism.

He said “We take the issue of vandalism seriously. They should report the case to the IBEDC or the nearest police station in the area. We keep advising everybody to keep watch of their installations. The list of communities asking for replacement is long.”

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